Thursday, August 12, 2004

Impunity in Mexico

Mexican author Enrique Krauze found something positive to say about the failed genocide indictment against former President Echeverría in a New York Times op-ed two days ago:

Justice denied? Not exactly. Mexico has gained some things along the way: to begin with, the end of presidential immunity. If a former president is indicted, the possibility is established that the former president may be tried, too. The wide publicity that the events received (fruit of the freedom of expression that didn't exist in Mr. Echeverría's day) is another achievement. Anyone who wants to expand the investigation, write books, or make documentaries on the subject can now count on a rich store of information. And the judicial branch has been strengthened, something that is always of the greatest importance, but especially in the current political context, in which the legislative and executive branches still have to find ways to collaborate and respect each other.
Of course, positive thinkers believe that something good can always be gleaned from something not-so-good, so I think the jury's still out on this one.

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