Friday, January 21, 2005

Balanced coverage of the Inauguration

From Media Matters:

Republicans or conservative commentators Democrats or progressive commentators
FOX News •Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)
•Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)
•Brian Harlan, head of officially authorized Bush-Cheney inaugural memorabilia
•Ashley Faulkner, star of "Ashley's Ad," campaign spot by pro-Bush political action committee
•Bush-Cheney '04 chief campaign strategist Matthew Dowd
Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes
U.S. News & World Report senior writer Michael Barone
National Review editor Rich Lowry
Wall Street Journal contributing editor Peggy Noonan
Weekly Standard editor William Kristol
Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer
•Radio host and FOX News contributor Mike Gallagher (with Beckel)
•Pro-Bush singer Tony Orlando
•FOX News political analyst and radio host Tony Snow
•Former Bush-Cheney '04 senior adviser Tucker Eskew
•Boxing promoter and outspoken Bush supporter Don King
•Advertising executive Jerry Della Femina (opposite Hindery, Koplovitz)
•Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)
•Democratic strategist Bob Beckel (with Gallagher)
•National Public Radio senior correspondent Juan Williams (opposite Barnes)
•Representative Harold Ford Jr. (D-TN)
•RTV Media chairman Kay Koplovitz (opposite Della Famina)
•InterMedia Partners chairman Leo J. Hindery Jr. (opposite Della Famina)
CNN •Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)
•Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
•Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA)
•Governor George Pataki (R-NY)
•Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
•Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
•Bush senior adviser Karen Hughes
•White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card
National Review contributing editor David Frum
•Republican author Doug Wead

Additional note: CNN political analyst Carlos Watson's Ohio citizens panel included four Republicans, one Democrat, and one swing voter.

•Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)
MSNBC •Vice President Dick Cheney
•Lynne Cheney
•Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
•Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL)
•Former Representative J.C. Watts (R-OK)
•MSNBC host and Former Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
•Radio host and MSNBC contributor Monica Crowley
Washington Times editorial page editor Tony Blankley
•Former Reagan Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein
•Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge
•Bush senior adviser Karen Hughes
•Retired baseball manager Tommy Lasorda
•Bush-Cheney '04 attorney Ben Ginsberg
•Progressive blogger Ana Marie Cox (Wonkette)
•MSNBC political analyst Ron Reagan Jr. (opposite Crowley, Watts, Scarborough)

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