So it's time to announce that I've been invited to participate in the
Arroba de Oro® competitions in Central America as an international jurist for the governmental and NGO websites. Begun in El Salvador a few years ago, this is considered
the most important internet competition in Latin America. This year there are competitions in several countries, including Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama. This is probably the most corporate thing I've ever done, but I'm quite happy about the chance to participate.
Along with other judges, I'll review the top ten finalists, and submit my evaluation to an outside auditor,
KPMG. They claim total transparency in the voting process, clear
evaluation criteriaFirst up --
Guatemala, where the top prize winner will earn some $50,000. Yeah, that's right. I don't even think there's an equivalent prize of this kind in the U.S.
Will the personal category include Guatemalan blogs? I'd be interested in seeing a few new, random (non-gringo, no offense) Central American and South American blogs.
No, Not yet. You can see the categories here.
I'm glad you're joining in on the fun this year David. La Arroba has been around since 2002 and is growing quickly. Guatemala 2004 was the first international competition for the Arroba, which started in El Salvador.
That's, uh... not an Ampersand. It's a "commercial at" symbol.
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